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Housewarming Party

By July 12, 2020August 6th, 2020No Comments

OneVoiceHome will be opening our doors very soon! You are invited to join us a for special Housewarming Party! Our hosts for the day are ActNow and Southcrest Baptist Church. We hope to see you Saturday, August 29, 2020, at Southcrest Baptist Church located at 3801 S Loop 289 from 10:30am-Noon.

OneVoiceHome will be a faith-based, trauma informed, therapeutic home for survivors of domestic sex trafficking. OVH organized living environment will allow young women to experience a new beginning using an overall holistic approach designed to fit her specific needs. The young women at OneVoiceHome have the opportunity to choose to transform their lives and join the community as a confident advocate for others who need to see that your past does not define you and there is hope after the pain.

OneVoiceHome is registered at the following stores:



Bed Bath and Beyond